101 Things to Do Beyond the Box
Dog Behavior Games for Behavioral Wellness -This 90 minute webinar will explore the need for and benefits of creating a rich and stimulating environment for our companion animals.

CPDT-KA Exam Study Course
The CPDT-KA Exam Study Course will help prepare you to successfully complete the Certified Professional Dog Trainer Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) Exam.

Essentials of Pet First Aid
“Essentials of Pet First Aid” is designed to give the pet lover the necessary pet first aid information and skills to prevent injury or illness from occurring and to keep an animal safe while waiting for veterinary aid.

Exploring Taboos
Exploring Taboos
Speaker: Julie Hecht, MSc
You will have 30 days unlimited access to this lecture.

Introduction to Service Dogs and Task Training
You will learn what the legal definition of a Service Dog is and the minimum standards required for a dog to be legally accepted as a Service Dog. You will complete 3 worksheets to include a blueprint of tasks you wish a Service Dog could be taught to do.

Pressure Wraps and Achieving Behavioral Calm in Anxious Dogs
How do pressure wraps work with dogs? Is there any science behind how they work or are they just another gimmick? This talk will trace the development of pressure wraps used to ease canine anxiety,

Professional Trainer of Service Dogs
Includes 10 courses that once completed successfully result in a Service Dog Trainer diploma.

Retriever Training - Beginning Basics - All Videos

Retriever Training – Beginning Basics - Videos 1-8
Retriever Training – Beginning Basics - Videos 1-8

Retriever Training – Beginning Basics - Videos 9-13
Retriever Training – Beginning Basics - Videos 9-13

Retriever Training – Handling Basics and Transitions - Videos 1-4
Retriever Training – Handling Basics and Transitions - Videos 1-4

Retriever Training – Handling Basics and Transitions - Videos 5-8
Retriever Training – Handling Basics and Transitions - Videos 5-8

Retriever Training – Handling Basics and Transitions - Videos 9-13
Retriever Training – Handling Basics and Transitions - Videos 9-13

Retriever Training – Handling Basics and Transitions ALL Videos
Retriever Training – Handling Basics and Transitions All Videos

Retriever Training – Teaching a Dependable Fetch ALL Videos
Retriever Training – Teaching a Dependable Fetch ALL Videos

The Role of Dominance in the Human-Dog Relationship-Ken McCort
This 90 minute lecture was recorded Live in March of 2010, moderated by Barbara Handelman for E-Training for Dogs.

The Use of Intravenous Nutrition in Pets
Due to poor nutritional practices in many pets they often no longer are able to absorb the nutrients they ingest. Many chronic illnesses may be exacerbated by a lack of nutrition. Learn about options for IV nutrition for dogs.

Working with Dogs who Guard Food and Other Resources
In this 90 minute live online webinar, Ms. McMillan Loehr will discuss techniques for managing and reducing aggression in dogs who growl, snarl, snap or bite when humans approach them while they're eating, chewing or playing with a toy.

You will find our courses and programs provide top quality education accessible to everyone who has access to the internet.